WikiLeaks' 2010 Shocking Revelation

Collateral Murder: 

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In April 2010, WikiLeaks, the whistleblowing organization founded by Julian Assange, released a video that sent shockwaves across the world. Titled "Collateral Murder," the footage depicted a U.S. military helicopter attack in Baghdad, Iraq, resulting in the deaths of over a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists. The graphic nature of the video and the apparent disregard for civilian lives sparked global outrage and raised serious questions about the rules of engagement and accountability in modern warfare. This blog post delves into the details of the "Collateral Murder" video, exploring its content, revelations, and the profound impact it had on public perception and military practices.


The "Collateral Murder" video was recorded on July 12, 2007, by a U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopter during an operation in the New Baghdad district of Iraq. The footage was classified and kept from public view until WikiLeaks released it in April 2010. The video, captured from the gun-sight camera of the helicopter, provided a chilling and unfiltered look at the realities of the Iraq War.

The attack took place at a time when Iraq was experiencing intense conflict and instability following the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. The military operation aimed to target insurgents, but the video revealed a stark and disturbing reality, raising questions about the conduct of U.S. forces and their impact on civilian populations.

Key Details of the Video

1. The Engagement

The "Collateral Murder" video shows a group of men, including two Reuters journalists, walking through a Baghdad neighborhood. The helicopter crew, mistaking the camera equipment for weapons, requested and received permission to engage the group.

  • Initial Attack: The Apache helicopter opened fire on the group with 30mm cannons, killing most of the men instantly. The chilling audio of the helicopter crew's conversation captures their callous attitude towards the attack, with one crew member remarking, "Look at those dead bastards."
  • Injured Civilians: Among the dead was Namir Noor-Eldeen, a Reuters photojournalist, and his driver, Saeed Chmagh. Chmagh, who was seriously injured, attempted to crawl to safety but was targeted again by the helicopter crew.

2. The Rescue Attempt

Shortly after the initial attack, a van arrived on the scene, and its occupants attempted to help the injured Saeed Chmagh. The helicopter crew requested and received permission to engage the van, believing it to be carrying insurgents.

  • Second Attack: The Apache helicopter opened fire on the van, killing its occupants and severely wounding two children inside. The graphic nature of this attack, coupled with the presence of children, further highlighted the indiscriminate nature of the engagement.
  • Aftermath: U.S. ground forces arrived at the scene and discovered the injured children, who were taken to a nearby hospital. The video captures the helicopter crew's reaction upon learning about the children's presence, with one crew member saying, "Well, it's their fault for bringing their kids into a battle."

3. The Reactions and Cover-Up

The "Collateral Murder" video includes the audio of the helicopter crew and ground forces discussing the attack. The conversation reveals a lack of remorse and a disturbing detachment from the violence inflicted on civilians.

  • Dismissive Attitude: The crew's conversation is marked by a callous disregard for human life, with one member laughing and making crude remarks as they discuss the bodies on the ground.
  • Official Response: Initially, the U.S. military claimed that the individuals targeted were insurgents, and the presence of the journalists and children was either unknown or incidental. The release of the video, however, contradicted these statements and exposed the true nature of the engagement.

Revelations and Implications

1. Rules of Engagement and Accountability

The "Collateral Murder" video raised serious questions about the rules of engagement and the accountability of military personnel in conflict zones.

  • Questionable Engagement: The video showed that the engagement was based on faulty assumptions and a misidentification of the camera equipment as weapons. This led to a tragic and avoidable loss of civilian life.
  • Lack of Accountability: The casual and dismissive attitude of the helicopter crew, combined with the initial attempts to cover up the true nature of the attack, highlighted a disturbing lack of accountability within the military. The video underscored the need for stricter oversight and transparency in military operations.

2. Impact on Media and Public Perception

The release of the "Collateral Murder" video had a profound impact on public perception and the media's role in conflict reporting.

  • Exposing the Truth: The video provided a stark and unfiltered look at the realities of modern warfare, challenging official narratives and exposing the harsh realities faced by civilians in conflict zones.
  • Media's Role: The deaths of the two Reuters journalists highlighted the dangers faced by media personnel in war zones and underscored the importance of press freedom and the role of journalists in documenting the truth.

3. Legal and Ethical Concerns

The "Collateral Murder" video raised important legal and ethical questions about the conduct of military operations and the treatment of civilians in conflict zones.

  • War Crimes Allegations: The indiscriminate killing of civilians and the apparent disregard for human life led to allegations of war crimes and violations of international law. The video prompted calls for investigations into the conduct of the U.S. military and the accountability of those involved.
  • Ethical Considerations: The video highlighted the ethical challenges of modern warfare, including the use of technology to conduct remote attacks and the dehumanizing effects of such operations on military personnel.

Impact and Aftermath

Global Outcry and Reactions

The release of the "Collateral Murder" video sparked global outrage and condemnation, leading to widespread calls for accountability and transparency in military operations.

  • Public Reaction: The graphic nature of the video and the casual attitude of the helicopter crew shocked the public and drew attention to the human cost of the Iraq War. The video became a symbol of the broader issues surrounding the conduct of military operations and the treatment of civilians in conflict zones.
  • Government Response: The U.S. government condemned the release of the video, arguing that it endangered national security and the safety of military personnel. However, the video also prompted internal reviews and discussions about the rules of engagement and the need for greater oversight and accountability.

Impact on WikiLeaks and Whistleblowing

The "Collateral Murder" video significantly boosted WikiLeaks' profile and established it as a major player in the field of investigative journalism and whistleblowing.

  • Increased Visibility: The release of the video brought WikiLeaks to global prominence and attracted widespread support for its mission to expose government and corporate secrets. The video highlighted the importance of whistleblowing and the role of organizations like WikiLeaks in promoting transparency and accountability.
  • Legal Challenges: The release of the video also attracted significant legal scrutiny and criticism, with WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange facing numerous legal challenges and accusations of compromising national security. Despite the controversy, the video underscored the critical role of whistleblowers in exposing the truth and holding those in power to account.

Repercussions for Military Practices

The "Collateral Murder" video had significant implications for military practices and the conduct of operations in conflict zones.

  • Reevaluation of Rules of Engagement: The video prompted a reevaluation of the rules of engagement and the need for stricter oversight and accountability in military operations. It highlighted the importance of ensuring that military personnel are properly trained and equipped to distinguish between combatants and civilians and to conduct operations in a manner that minimizes harm to innocent people.
  • Focus on Transparency and Accountability: The video underscored the need for greater transparency and accountability in military operations and the importance of ensuring that violations of international law and ethical standards are investigated and addressed. It prompted calls for increased oversight of military practices and the need for mechanisms to hold military personnel accountable for their actions.


The "Collateral Murder" video stands as a stark reminder of the brutal realities of modern warfare and the human cost of conflict. The graphic footage and the casual attitude of the helicopter crew revealed the tragic consequences of military operations and raised serious questions about the conduct of the U.S. military and the treatment of civilians in conflict zones.

The release of the video by WikiLeaks highlighted the critical role of whistleblowing and investigative journalism in exposing the truth and holding those in power to account. It underscored the importance of transparency, accountability, and the need for greater oversight of military practices.

As we continue to grapple with the legacy of the Iraq War and the broader implications of modern warfare, the "Collateral Murder" video serves as a powerful reminder of the need to prioritize the protection of civilians and to ensure that military operations are conducted in a manner that respects human rights and international law. It is a call to action for greater accountability and a more humane approach to conflict, one that recognizes the inherent dignity and value of every human life.

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