The Afghan War Diary (2010)

Unveiling the Hidden Realities of War


In July 2010, WikiLeaks released a trove of classified military documents that would become known as The Afghan War Diary. This massive leak, consisting of over 75,000 reports from the U.S. military, provided an unprecedented glimpse into the Afghanistan conflict from 2004 to 2010. The Afghan War Diary offered a raw, unfiltered look at the day-to-day operations, revealing the brutal realities of war that had long been hidden from the public eye. This blog post delves into the details of The Afghan War Diary, uncovering the significant revelations and the profound impact it had on public perception and policy.


The Afghan War Diary documents were obtained and released by WikiLeaks, an organization known for its mission to expose government and corporate secrets. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, described the release as a "comprehensive account of the war in Afghanistan," aiming to promote transparency and accountability.

The documents, spanning from January 2004 to December 2009, were classified as "Secret" and included field reports, intelligence assessments, and detailed accounts of military operations. They provided a ground-level view of the war, highlighting the challenges, tragedies, and complexities that shaped the conflict.

Key Revelations

1. Civilian Casualties and Cover-Ups

One of the most shocking revelations from The Afghan War Diary was the extent of civilian casualties. The documents revealed numerous incidents where coalition forces caused civilian deaths and injuries, many of which were unreported or downplayed in official accounts.

  • Unreported Incidents: The logs documented hundreds of civilian casualties that had not been previously disclosed, including cases where women and children were killed during military operations.
  • Cover-Ups: There were instances where civilian deaths were labeled as enemy casualties or entirely omitted from public reports, raising serious ethical and legal questions about the conduct of the war.

2. The Rise of the Taliban

The Afghan War Diary provided detailed accounts of the Taliban's resurgence, contradicting official narratives that suggested progress and stability in Afghanistan.

  • Increased Attacks: The documents showed a steady increase in Taliban attacks, including ambushes, roadside bombings, and suicide attacks. These incidents highlighted the growing strength and influence of the Taliban in various regions of Afghanistan.
  • Territorial Control: The logs revealed that the Taliban had regained control over significant parts of the country, challenging the notion that coalition forces were successfully suppressing the insurgency.

3. Secret Special Forces Operations

The leak shed light on the activities of Task Force 373, a secret U.S. military unit tasked with capturing or killing high-value targets. The documents provided detailed accounts of operations that were previously unknown to the public.

  • Targeted Killings: The reports documented numerous instances of targeted killings carried out by Task Force 373, often resulting in civilian casualties and collateral damage. These operations raised questions about the legality and morality of such tactics.
  • Intelligence Failures: The logs highlighted several cases where operations based on faulty intelligence led to the deaths of innocent civilians, further undermining the credibility of the military's efforts in Afghanistan.

4. Corruption and Mismanagement

The Afghan War Diary exposed widespread corruption and mismanagement within the Afghan government and security forces.

  • Ghost Soldiers: The documents revealed that many soldiers and police officers on the payroll were "ghosts" – individuals who did not exist or were not actively serving. This corruption undermined the effectiveness of the Afghan security forces and wasted significant amounts of aid money.
  • Drug Trade: The logs indicated that drug trafficking was a major issue, with evidence of government officials and security personnel being involved in the illicit trade. This contributed to the instability and fueled the conflict.

Impact and Consequences

Global Outcry

The release of The Afghan War Diary sparked outrage and debate worldwide. It provided the public with a stark and unvarnished look at the realities of the Afghanistan conflict, challenging the official narratives of progress and success. The revelations about civilian casualties, corruption, and the resurgence of the Taliban led to calls for greater transparency and accountability in military operations.

Policy Changes

The Afghan War Diary influenced policy discussions and decisions related to the war in Afghanistan. The detailed documentation of civilian casualties and the resurgence of the Taliban raised questions about the effectiveness of the U.S. strategy and the need for a revised approach to the conflict.

  • Reevaluation of Strategy: The leaks prompted a reevaluation of the military strategy in Afghanistan, with some policymakers advocating for a shift towards counterinsurgency and nation-building efforts to address the root causes of the conflict.
  • Focus on Transparency: The revelations underscored the importance of transparency and accountability in military operations. There were calls for greater oversight of the military and more accurate reporting of civilian casualties and other key aspects of the conflict.

Impact on WikiLeaks

The release of The Afghan War Diary significantly boosted WikiLeaks' profile and established it as a major player in the field of investigative journalism and whistleblowing. However, it also attracted significant criticism and legal scrutiny, with some arguing that the publication of classified documents endangered lives and national security.

  • Legal Challenges: WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange faced numerous legal challenges and accusations of compromising national security. The release of the documents led to heightened scrutiny and efforts to curtail WikiLeaks' activities.
  • Public Perception: Despite the controversy, The Afghan War Diary cemented WikiLeaks' reputation as a champion of transparency and accountability, attracting widespread support from those who believe in the importance of whistleblowing and the public's right to know.


The Afghan War Diary provided a rare and detailed glimpse into the Afghanistan conflict, revealing the complexities, challenges, and tragedies that shaped the war. The revelations about civilian casualties, the resurgence of the Taliban, and the activities of secret special forces operations challenged official narratives and prompted global debate about the conduct of the war and the need for transparency and accountability.

As we continue to grapple with the legacy of the Afghanistan conflict, The Afghan War Diary serves as a stark reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and the public's right to know the truth about the actions taken in their name. It underscores the critical role that organizations like WikiLeaks play in exposing the hidden realities of war and holding those in power to account.

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